Educational Services
Software Support
We provide extensive documentation and support for software procedures and guidelines regarding data-entry, data processing, data archival and retrieval support, data import/export, and third-party applications (i.e. Progressbook, bus routing, SIS, etc.).Offerings
We provide a variety of software solutions for your school district's needs. Including, but not limited to, SSEM, the Progressbook Suite, creation of user defined reports, StudentInformation applications for scheduling, grade reporting, interim reporting, attendance, registration, fee accounting, student medical information, discipline reporting, student transcripts, as well as student graduation verification.Training
Our staff is extremely knowledeable and available to provide training for systems and software procedures, periodic and timely in-service opportunities for end-of-year processing and opening or closing of school, as well as new user and continuing user training to keep current on changes and updates to software.Phone: 419-747-8660
Fax: 419-747-8680
North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative
1495 W Longview Ave, Suite 100
Mansfield, OH 44906