(Part of the Progressbook Suite)
GradeBook is a district-wide, web-based solution for K-12 school principals, teachers, guidance counselors, district administrators and curriculum directors. GradeBook can be administered centrally, is easy-to-use, and filled with a plethora of valuable features.
24/7 Access from anywhere
Automated integration with LMS
Complete system reporting
Customized report card creation
DataMap integration and reporting
Entirely online Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Workflow via DataMap
Online attendance tracking
Online grade book
Online lesson plans
Paperless report card options
enabling parents and students to monitor progress and grades onlineReal-time integration with student information system (SIS)
Report cards
Teachers can manage
student grades, monitor student progress, assignments, homework, and more!Teacher discipline referral system
Phone: 419-747-8660
Fax: 419-747-8680
North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative
1495 W Longview Ave, Suite 100
Mansfield, OH 44906