Library Information
This page will keep you updated with information needed to help you complete your library responsibilities.
Workflows Handbook
(Click icon for more information)
Active Loans list by homeroom (includes overdues)
This allows you to run a complete list of all books, overdues included, that are currently checked out of your library by homeroomOverdues and Notices Report
(Click icon for more information)
Running Overdue Notices to go home
With the sudden school closures you will still have books out with students. If you are wanting to send a notice home, with report cards, or other documents, use the overdues and notices report in Workflows.Overdues report for each teacher
This report allows you to run an overdue list by teacher so they have a comprehensive list of what books are still out.
Conducting Inventory
(Click icon for more information)
Instructions for conducting an inventory are provided on the Special Tasks section of the WorkFlows Handbook
Digital Resources
online instruction and learning resources
(Click the icon for additional information)
Phone: 419-747-8660
Fax: 419-747-8680
North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative
1495 W Longview Ave, Suite 100
Mansfield, OH 44906