Job Posting(s)

North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative (NCOCC)

North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative (NCOCC) is accepting applications for a Fiscal Support Analyst.  The Fiscal Support Analyst will work with the current NCOCC fiscal coordinator in supporting State Software Redesign.  Salary range is commensurate with experience.  Benefits include medical, dental, vision and life insurance.

Excellent customer service skills and a commitment to work with a team are essential for this position.  Experience with Microsoft Excel is a must for this position.  Another important piece to this position is the ability to participate in, and sometimes facilitate, group training sessions.  Experience with State Accounting Software (USAS/USPS) is expected.  The applicant should be a self-starter who enjoys problem solving and finding new ways to help support our members.

NCOCC serves school districts in a four-county region, with an office and datacenter in Mansfield, Ohio, and an option to telecommute at least one day per week. NCOCC provides a friendly small office environment, good benefits, and many opportunities for professional development.

Please email letter of interest and resume to Andy Melick ~ Executive Director.

Application Deadline: August 23, 2021

Phone: 419-747-8660
Fax: 419-747-8680

North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative
1495 W Longview Ave, Suite 100
Mansfield, OH 44906